Industrial sugar services

The sugar, support & values you seek.

Capable. Reliable. Sustainable.

As the industry’s most reliable provider of sugar, we could speak volumes on our proven capabilities and services. But we’ll just review the highlights, then dive deeper into specific topics.

cane and beet sugar
industry news & data
procurement portal access
technical & operational support
coast-to-coast distribution
Supply Chain expertise
First-of-its-kind sugar dome
customer service team
industry analytics
man typing on computer with phone

A portal to greater success

United understands how important it is for you to stay ahead and take control of your business. That’s why we created a one-of-a-kind, procurement portal that manages all details of your sugar purchases. Here, you can review your contracts, check order and delivery status, as well as gain access to quality documents and sustainability data. Our goal is to provide you a one-stop shop to conveniently access information for all your sugar needs.

Please contact your sales manager or Steven Hanson at for access to the our Procurement Portal.




Contract management

We work closely with customers to ensure they understand all their sugar-buying opportunities. Our sales team will work one-on-one with you when needed to answer questions about contracts, scheduling and maximizing your benefits while providing performance data on a quarterly basis to foster on-time execution. This allows both you and United to stay on target and fulfill our respective commitments.

In short, we strive to create the relationship you want, making contract management more productive and less stressful.

close up of train tracks

Reduced cycle times

A “cycle” is the time it takes from your order being placed to when you receive it. Our national network of facilities – from Lakeville, NY, to Montgomery, IL, to Los Angeles, CA – helps us reduce our cycle times by having large sugar quantities at the ready for timely distribution to all regions of the U.S.

Sustainability partner

We partner with our customers to provide credible data to help them meet their sustainability goals and strive to understand their requirements for transparency in their supply chains.

man holding sugar beet on farm with family in the background
map of the continental united states with circling arrows


United is able to assist domestic customers who participate in the U.S. government re-export programs. Re-export sugar is the use of world raw sugar to produce refined sugar within the United States for export—or used to make products that will be exported.

In greater detail, the U.S. government operates three programs (see below) that allow customers to buy refined sugar produced from lower-cost world raw sugar. For each unit of sugar sold under these three programs, United obtains the right to import an equivalent amount of world raw sugar. Since this right has value, United can sell sugar that has the benefit of re-export pricing to participating customers.

Sugar containing products program:

For manufacturers of sugar containing products who export these finished products.

Polyhydric alcohol program:

For manufacturers of certain industrial chemicals made from sugar for non-food use.

Refined sugar re-export program:

For customers outside the United States.

How do I participate?

To participate in the Sugar Containing Products Program, or the Polyhydric Alcohol Program, you need to obtain a license from the Licensing Authority of the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. You also need to comply with certain license limits and documentation requirements.

For more information about the programs (and participation) you can visit the National Archives and Records Administration for the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 7) or contact your United Sales Representative.